Friday, May 22, 2009

She Likes to Move It, Move It

This morning I have listened to the song "Move it" from Madagascar 912 times. The video of the song is on the Special Features option of the Madagascar DVD that Lulo watches while eating his meals. (Don't judge me people, you get him to eat another way if you want to judge.) Typically, I would be very close to calling my Dad for a prescription of some sort of anti-anxiety drug. But, today...

I AM MOVING IT. I have been boogying all morning to this song. Boogying to get Luk his muffins (blueberry, freshly baked, by yours truly, Luk did some vate vate). Shimmying to get his apple. Then mambo-ing to CUT his apple. "Cut the apple, mama, cut the apple." Then, skipping back. Today rocks.

I tested out of boot camp today and the results were pretty good (for me). I am pleased. I feel more cheerful this boot camp than I did last time. I really liked the class more this session. There were more people. It was light out about 10 minutes into class and waaaaaaaaaaay warmer. It is kind of nice not having to run with a sweatshirt and still be cold. The light out really makes it feel so much nicer. And for me, the sun makes me think of summer, then bathing suits, then fat, then I run faster.

I am bursting with appreciation for my instructors. They pretty much rock with their ability to encourage and see when you are improving and pushing you to what they think you can do. Typically, I would think that the attention they are able to pay to each one of us would only be possible with a personal trainer. I had a trainer once. I thought he rocked at the time but seriously; DI-Size0 and DI-MC are better and they have you know 10-15 people every class.

So, the results show. In six weeks, the following changed:

**Push-ups: Still can't do them. Monkey arms + Fat = No Push Ups!

**Sit-ups: I did 35, last time I did 37. This saddened me at first but I am ok; I wanted to do 40. Maybe next time.

**Timed Mile: First session, started at 13M:40S. End of session, 11:09.
Second session, started at 10:39, End of session (TODAY!), 9 MINUTES and 28 SECONDS!
Um, yeah. Seriously. My goal my WHOLE ENTIRE LIFE has been to do a 10 minute mile. What in God's name were my HIGH SCHOOL basketball coaches doing that they couldn't get me to run a 10 minute mile. I am like fatter, older, with 3 kids and I CAME IN BELOW 10 MINUTES. HOLY CANNOLI!!! I know people run like 3 minute miles and woohoo for them. But, this is really good for me. I am SO STOKED.

DI-MC was standing at the end with his timer and he was counting - 10, 11, 12...26, 27, 28. And I thought he was in the 10 minute range. And I was like I JUST WANT TO BE FASTER THAN 10:39 so I was busting my butt to get to him. HE WAS COUNTING IN THE NINE MINUTE RANGE. I COULD NOT believe it. Seriously. I damn near hugged DI-MC (but was happy with his enthusiastic HIGH-5 because all I need is DI-Size0 to kick my ass because I am all hugging her boyfriend all over the place.)

**Weight: I lost 12 pounds this session - 15 since last session. That was my goal because that is "safe" weight loss. One that will probably last. I just want to say though that I don't get how I stay within my WW points and work out every day and I am not losing more than 2 pounds a week??? Crinkled Eyebrows. I am happy with my weight loss. I am happy with my weight loss. I am happy with my weight loss. I am happy with my weight loss.

-I lost an inch in my waist.
-I lost an inch in my hips.
-I lost an inch and a 1/4, that is 1.25 inches, in my "buttocks". I object to the word "buttocks" and only think of Forrest Gump when I say it BUT that is the word in my mess log. I am just copying here.
-My right thigh remained exactly the same.
-My right calf lost a 1/4 inch.
-My bicep lost a 1/4 inch.

Honestly, I am always impressed with people who lose like 40 inches off of stuff. But, I am ok with the inches. Especially in my waist and buttocks. I thought my underwear was baggier and it is indeed. TMI, but I just want to be honest. Totally sexy.

Anyhow, that about wraps that up other than the fact that Moto Moto's song is also stuck in my head and it doesn't quite work for me anymore ;) You know the song...

I like ‘em big I like ‘em chunky I like ‘em big I like ‘em plumpy I like ‘em round

I love that song. It makes me laugh. I also love Moto Moto :)

But, really all I want to do is Move It Move It because I like to Move It Move It. Thank you, Extreme Boot Camp. Another session starts in a week. One week off. I'll be there.

Goals for Session 3:
Another 12 pounds.
Baggier underwear.
Mile: 9 minutes, 20 seconds.
45 sit-ups.
1 push up.



  1. Wow, you ran a nine minute mile?? Listen, if you can run just ONE mile in less than 11 minutes, you can EASILY do a 5K and be proud of your time even if you walk for half the race.

  2. By the way you could totally chant I like em big and chunky I like em big and plumpy to Move It...
    You're welcome for putting that into your head.

  3. WOOHOOOOOOOO!!! I am so PROUD of you!! That is awesome :)

  4. Wow Tina! You are awesome - and an inspiration!!! :)
